Anagram is a word, phrase, or name formed by rearranging the letters of another.
Solution 1: using sort
- sort both strings
- compare the sorted strings
def anagram? (word1, word2)
return false unless word1.length == word2.length
word1.downcase.chars.sort == word2.downcase.chars.sort
anagram?("cinema", "iceman")
Benchmark for 100.000 characters words: 35.278999999999996 ms
Solution 2: using char frequencies
- create a map
- a map from distinct characters in the word to the number of times they appear.
- compare the occurrences
def frequencies(word)
frequencies = {}
word.downcase.chars.each { |char| frequencies[char] = frequencies[char].to_i + 1 }
def anagram? (word1, word2)
frequencies(word1) == frequencies(word2)
anagram?("cinema", "iceman")
Benchmark on 100.000 characters words: 72.67999999999999 ms
Solution 3: using prime numbers (for programming languages that supports BigNum)
- assign a prime number to each alphabet letter
- map each character in each word to its prime number
- check that both words have the same product of prime numbers
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17,
19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41,
43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67,
71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101
ALPHABET = ("a".."z")
def primes_product(word)
word.downcase.chars.reduce(1) { |acc, char| DICTIONARY[char] * acc }
def anagram? (word1, word2)
return false unless word1.length == word2.length
primes_product(word1) == primes_product(word2)
anagram?("cinema", "iceman")
Benchmark on 100.000 characters words: 5278.294 ms
Those were great examples to learn from. THANKS FOR THESE!
Good examples, thanks for sharing.