How Becoming an Engineering Manager Transformed My Life – At Work and Beyond

It’s impressive how Becoming an Engineering Manager changed my life in so many ways, both professionally and personally.

I got my first role as an Engineering Manager because of the achievement sentiment I was getting when my team members succeeded with my support, even though I didn’t have much formal experience. One of the first books I read about management and it shaped the person that I am today, was Engineering Management for the Rest of Us by Sarah Drasner. It taught me why conflicts occur, how to handle them, understand individual and core values, build trust, and the importance of giving and receiving feedback.

These lessons didn’t just help me at work, they also made me more organised, better at avoiding conflicts, and even improved my relationship with my partner.

Here are a couple of examples from my life:

To keep a healthy relationship with my friends, I’m encouraging them to share feedback or let me know ASAP if I’ve upset them in any way. We are all so different that sometimes we don’t realise how our words or actions might bother others.

To minimise the impact of conflicts with my partner, I try to focus on one problem at a time and be solution-oriented. It’s all about asking “What happened, and how can we make sure it doesn’t happen again?”

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